Together Again
Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2025 @ 5:21pm by Corporal Emma Callahan & Colonel James Colt
Edited on on Wed Jan 8th, 2025 @ 2:54pm
2,411 words; about a 12 minute read
Towers of the Void (Series Premiere)
Location: The Callahan Family Home
Timeline: July 24th 2024, Eve of Judgement Day.
Emma sat on the swing that hung on the porch of her parents home, she hadn’t been back home in what felt like a long time. Her parents were taking a long awaited cruise to celebrate their golden anniversary leaving Emma with the whole house to herself. The neighbourhood was quiet tonight, the stars twinkled in the clear sky as the night air took on a slightly breezy chill. Pulling over the warm blanket that was neatly folded on the small wicker table, she sat just swinging back and forth.
JT was walking down the street his family home was on. it was a cool night so; he had a windbreaker on along with pullover shirt and black pants. He was home for a few days before having to return to his assignment outside Washington D.C. It had been years since he had been back, but he had a strange calling to return home and visit the old neighborhood. A smile played on his lips as he remembered happier times when he and Emma had been kids. They had more fun than any two kids ever had. he slowed as he neared her parent's home. As he neared the house, he could see someone in the front porch swing but couldn't make out who it was.
Emma looked down from her star gazing, out on the street was a familiar looking man. At first she wasn’t entirely sure, standing up to get a better look her eyes widened as she saw just who it was. “James?”
Not having seen each other since Emma had walked out on their marriage she wasn’t sure whether he’d even want anything to do with her, even though they were still married she hadn’t ever changed from her maiden name.
James had walked closer to the house when whoever was on the front porch stood up and voice, he thought he would never hear again but could never forget called out. He stopped frozen in place. Was he imagining things? He turned towards the house and in a voice full of hope he replied. " Emma. Is that you?" He asked even as he moving towards the house. His heart beating wildly in his chest for he had never stopped loving Emma even when she walked away from him, their marriage. He had never filed for a divorce and neither had Emma. He always hoped they could reconcile.
“It is you!” Emma dropped the blanket and made her way down the small amount of porch steps to greet James. As they finally came together she stood simply looking at him, she loved him that had never changed but her fear of losing him was what had driven her away. After the losses she’d already suffered it was a fear she still hadn’t conquered. “Hi” She offered a brief smile before throwing herself into a hug, eyes closed she held onto him with every fibre of her being.
James stood rooted to the spot. Emma was here, standing before him as he always hoped. He couldn't find his voice as she said "Hi" and smiled a smile that lit up her entire face. She was still as beautiful, no more beautiful than he remembered. His love for her had never diminished. Then before he knew it, she was hugging him. "Hi yourself." He finally replied and wrapped his arms around her to hug her tightly to him.
Emma held on for a couple more minutes before finally letting go, offering a teary eyed smile. “Would you...” She motioned to the house. “ to come in? We should talk.” Leading the way she picked up the blanket off the porch before taking it inside, hanging it over the sofa in the small living room she motioned for James to sit. “Please, make yourself at home.”
James gently wiped a tear from Emma's cheek. "I'd love to come in Emma. That would be nice and yes, we need to talk." He answered as he followed her up the steps and into the house. Taking a seat on the sofa, James looked round the room. "I've missed you, Emma" he said softy his voice reflecting his feelings for her. "You're looking good Emma." He added.
“Like hell I do!” Emma shook her head as she picked up a hairband and roughly tied her hair up into a ponytail. “I’ve...missed you too James. I guess I owe you a proper explanation, I didn’t exactly hang around to say much before I left.” She paused to look towards the kitchen. “I’ll go get us some tea and biscuits, mum normally keeps some in the cupboard. Ohh...don’t worry about mum & dad walking in, they’re on the cruise they always wanted to take.”
James kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to risk getting into an argument with Emma after just reconnecting with her. "An explanation would be nice." He admitted. He nodded at Emma's suggestion of fixing them some tea and biscuits and relaxed when Emma said her parents were on a cruise. He liked her parents but what he and Emma needed right now was some time to talk just between themselves. "Your parents are on a cruise? That's nice Emma. That explains why you are here. How long is their cruise?"
“A few weeks” Emma offered from the kitchen as she filled the kettle and put it onto boil. Picking up a biscuit tin she brought it back through. “James I...” She paused. “After everything that happened, so many lost...” a haunted look took over her features as she spoke. “I’m retired from military duty, you’re not, I couldn’t sit and let you walk out the door time and time again not knowing how long it’d be before I’d see you again, or if I’d ever see you again!”
James nodded. "I know you've been through hell Emma, I read the action reports but you shouldn't have left like you did. You know we go where our assignments take us." He stopped not wanting to have Emma feel he was attacking her. "I still love you Emma and I'm not going anywhere right now. I promise to stay with you and help you all that I can." he smiled at her, "Not sure how much help that will be, but it is better than going it alone."
Emma offered a nod of her head before disappearing back into the kitchen to make their teas. Returning with two mugs of tea she placed his down, milky tea with 1 sweetener.” She offered a smile as she set hers down before sitting down herself. “I can’t promise anything James, don’t get me wrong I still love you, I always have I just...” She shrugged her shoulders. “I need to take it slow.”
"Emma, I'm not asking for any promises. I understand what you are going through but isn't it better to go slow with someone who loves and understands than trying to do it all on your own?" he reached for the tea and smiled at her, "You remembered." He answered his eyes alight with happiness.
Emma nodded a more comfortable look on her face. “Of course I did, how could I forget?” She picked up her mug, blew and then carefully sipped her tea. “Do you have anywhere to stay? With mum and dad away I’m on my own here, my brother’s old room is available...” She paused knowing how that might sound given that they were still married. “That’s if you’d like to stay?”
James smiled, "I'm glad you didn't forget Emma." He shook his head, "No, I was going to get a room at a hotel. I just came back to revisit the neighborhood and happy memories." He paused as he looked over the rim of the teacup. "Are you sure you want me to stay? If so, then I accept the offer to stay in your brother's room."
“I’d like you to stay, we can do some catching up.” Emma sipped her tea before cradling the mug in her hands. “My mum asks about you all the time, she always did like you. Could you...” She paused. “I could use some help applying my scar cream to my back, I usually just do what I can reach but now you’re here..”
James nodded, " Then I will stay." He answered secretly pleased Emma wanted him here with her. " I like your mum and dad as well. They were always nice to me." He smiled gain, "Be glad to Emma, get the cream and I'll do your entire back." He said smiling at her.
Emma nodded, getting up she headed upstairs to her room before returning with some prescribed cream, having requested it from her doctor. She was normally very sensitive about anyone seeing her scars, but James was her husband and he’d seen them all before. “Here you go. I’ll just...” She sat down on the sofa removing her t-shirt to leave a camisole top which wasn’t in the way, so she left it on.
Taking the jar, James placed a healthy amount on hand and then rubbed them together so he could treat all the scars. "Here we go." He said softly as he placed his hands on her back and began to massage the cream into her scars. he winced looking at them. They looked like white lines crisscrossing her back. "Do they cause you any pain Emma?" He asked softly as he moved his hands over the scars getting the cream into all of them.
“Sometimes” Emma nodded. “More-so the newest ones because they cross older ones. They get tight, and tend to irritate.” She had to admit it felt good to feel James’ touch again after so long. “The doctors said that the cream would help with the irritation. There’s not much else they can do without more surgery to remove the scar tissue, and skin grafts to replace the old skin. I’ve had enough of seeing hospitals.”
"I'm sorry." He answered as truly was and grew silent as his hands rubbed and massaged the scars tenderly. "Don't blame bit on how you feel about hospitals." He replied. "How about your range of motion with your back? Do the scars limit the range? Did you get any back exercises to do?"
“There’s a whole plethora of sheets in my bag, I have my usual exercise routine that I follow, years of training have come in useful” Emma offered a wry smile. “Range of motion isn’t perfect, hence why I was retired early, that and my mental state.”
James stopped his massage and leaned over her shoulder. "You’re tough Emma but you can't do this be yourself. I'm... I'm here to help you. That's what good husbands do. Help their wives, their partners."
Emma turned her head as far as she could to look at him. “You still want to be with me after what I did? After I pushed you away?”
He met her gaze head on. "Emma, I love you. You were hurting, you had to get away and breathe. I was just hoping you would find your way back to me and still feel about me as I do about you."
Emma offered a nod of her head and a smile. “Are you done?” She stifled a yawn. “it’s been a long day, I’d like to get some rest.”
"Yes. All finished." He replied handing her back the jar. "I understand. Show me your brother's room and I'll get out of your way." James replied.
Emma nodded as she picked up her t-shirt and put it back on, showing James to her brother’s old room. “Here you go, it’s mostly used as a guest room these days hence the double bed.” She paused as she stood aside to let him enter. “Thank you for understanding, I just...well, you know.” She stepped closer kissing him softly on the lips before stepping away again. “You know where I’ll be if you need anything.”
Stepping into the room, James nodded. "It's perfect Emma. It beats a hotel bed anytime and you are welcome." His eyes closed as she kissed him, and he savored every precious second of it. "Indeed, I do and thank you again. I hope you have very pleasant dreams."
Emma nodded before pulling the door to and heading into her room next door. Flopping down onto the bed she sighed running the What if’s through her mind, she wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted anymore, but she was enjoying James’ company. Sitting up she got herself undressed neatly putting her clothes aside before slipping under the covers.
In the other room, James sat on the other bed and softly prayed. He wasn't overly religious, but this was a special situation. "God, thank you for bringing me to Emma. I've missed her terribly and you know I've never stopped loving her. Please let her see we are better, stronger together. If its not to be thank you for these few hours. Amen." He finished as he lay back on the bed.
~ An undefined amount of time later ~
Emma had lay staring at the ceiling for what seemed like forever, she didn’t sleep well at the best of times, but knowing James was next door wasn’t helping. Sliding out of bed she put on her dressing gown and quietly headed to his bedroom, quietly she moved around to the empty side of the bed slipping out of her gown she slipped into the bed cuddling up to James.
James had gotten undress and lay in the bed in just his underwear. He still couldn't believe that after all the time apart he and Emma would be under the same roof. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. Her climbing into the bed woke him. "Emma? Is everything okay?" He asked sleepily even as she curled up next to him.
“Everything’s fine now” Emma offered as she gently kissed him. “I don't want to be alone anymore.” She lay her head on his chest, draping her arm over.
In the darkness James smiled. "Wonderful, simply wonderful Emma." As he turned his head and returned her kiss.